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Statement on behalf of Denmark at the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) on Transitional Justice

Who H.E. Martin Bille Hermann,  Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN

Check Against Delivery

Mr. chair, excellencies, honorable representatives from Colombia, Mr. Roberto Carlos Vidal, the Gambia, Mr. Dawda A. Jallow, and Timor Leste, Mr. Hugo Fernandes

Thank you for convening this important meeting on peacebuilding and transitional justice. The briefers are showing an example by using the Peacebuilding Commission as it is also intended: A platform for sharing experiences and engaging in peer-to-peer. We have learned from you that peace and justice take time, patience and commitment.

Let me first commend the strong efforts made by the government of Colombia to present reforms to address structural factors of poverty, marginalization and insecurity that prevent full implementation of the 2016 Peace Agreement. To sustain peace, it is important to continue working to end all violence against civilians, social leaders and human rights defenders.

Let me also commend the important work done in the Gambia by the TRRC (Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission) and the commitment from the Gambian Government. We hope the recommendations of the TRRC to be fully implemented in a clear, timely and inclusive process, and with particular attention to the critical role and representation of women and youth and victims of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Finally, I commend the remarkable progress made by Timor Leste. Civil society organizations have played a key role in peacebuilding, including by addressing gender inequality and empowering youth. I also applaud the role played by Timor Leste through the G7+ in supporting conflict-affected countries by sharing experiences and helping international partners improve coordination.

I would like to conclude with a question: What role do you see the international community have in the transitional justice processes going forward? I encourage you to stay engaged and share experiences, also relating to accountability as a tool for peace.

Excellencies, thank you for this timely discussion. Going forward, we strongly support more exchanges like this on transitional justice in the PBC.

Thank you.