Joint Nordic Statement at UNSC open debate on the Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine
Check Against Delivery
Mr. President,
Distinguished delegates,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the five Nordic countries, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden – and my own country, Denmark.
First, warm thanks to Albania. For bringing leaders from across the world together in this room today. So we can discuss the most imminent threat to international peace and security of our time: Russia’s unlawful and unjustified aggression against Ukraine. We also want to use this opportunity to present a vision for peace.
“Maintaining international peace and security” - that’s the responsibility vested in this Council. The UN Charter entrusted five Member States with a special responsibility - a power of veto.
But the veto power was never a carte blanche for invading other States, with a view to taking their territory. For breaching the UN Charter. Or for conducting brutal warfare in blatant disregard of international law.
This cannot be tolerated.
It is our shared responsibility to uphold the UN Charter that has been the foundation for international cooperation for 78 years. Rebuilding trust in its institutions will not be an easy process; it will require time and effort, and a renewed commitment to its purposes and principles.
Today, the Nordics would like to share three messages.
First. With its war of aggression, Russia is violating the most basic rules and principles of international law. A permanent member, blatantly disregarding the UN Charter – the cornerstone of this institution, this Council – including the territorial integrity and political independence of all States.
Remember, if Russia stops fighting – there will be no war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine.
The overwhelming majority of Member States condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and defend the UN Charter. This is the first line of defense for a world order, in which might does not make right.
The Nordic countries will continue to seek full accountability for Russia’s unlawful war of aggression against Ukraine. This includes responsibility for crimes under international law as well as reparations. Ensuring that Russia and its representatives are held to account is a shared responsibility of us all, as members of the United Nations.
Second. The consequences of Russia’s war are suffered across the globe. Food stocks are reduced, prices have gone up. The energy crisis is getting worse. Time after time, Russia shows its complete disregard for human life, not only in Ukraine, but also globally. Russia continues to weaponize food and intensify the global food security crisis.
We need to rebuild trust and double down on our efforts to find common solutions to the shared problems in front of us. Instead, Russia is creating new ones.
We need strong, cross-regional support to stop Russia's irresponsible actions. A collective defence of the Charter. When we unite in defence of the UN Charter, it will also offer a pathway to peace.
This brings me to my third point. Russia must immediately end its war of aggression and withdraw from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.
What is required is a just and sustainable peace based on international law, including the UN Charter.
We support all meaningful efforts in this regard, and we firmly support President Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula, which lays the foundation for this. We encourage all Member States to do the same.
Our support for the UN Charter and Ukraine is unwavering.
Thank you, Mr. President.