Denmark’s Engagement with UNICEF
Denmark is a significant donor to UNICEF. This includes a contribution to UNICEF Innovation Fund, intended to strategically strengthen the organization’s ability to innovate, which is crucial in order to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, and meet the needs of children all over the world. Read more about the UNICEF Innovation Fund, here.
The United Nations Children’s Fund, or UNICEF, is the main multilateral organization concerned with the rights and lives of children. UNICEF’s work is guided first and foremost by the rights of children, as outlined primarily in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention to End All Discrimination Against Women. Denmark places strong emphasis on human rights in our strategy for development cooperation and humanitarian action, Strategy - The World We Share. Therefore, UNICEF’s strong foundation in the rights of children, and in the need to respect, protect, and fulfil rights, as well as the ability of children to claim their rights, is welcomed by Denmark.
Denmark also wants to see the link between development assistance and humanitarian action strengthened. UNICEF has a twofold mandate: Development in countries where children’s rights are not yet guaranteed, and humanitarian aid in places struck by disaster, emergency, or violent conflict. As a large organization with both a development and humanitarian agenda, UNICEF has a key role to play in bridging development assistance and humanitarian action.